Saturday, May 17, 2008

Fuzzy Feet

The English Springer Spaniel is a dog with needs. Grooming needs. Do not get a springer if you don't want to spend 15 minutes a day brushing out the coat, especially those tricky armpit areas, or cleaning out the canals of the long, pendulous ears on a very regular basis. Springers have "furnishings", long, luxurious feathering that grows on their ears, their underside, and especially their feet. These furnishings are magnets for dirt, mud, burrs, grass, leaves, little sticks, and lots of other crap! I always know it's time for a groom when the feet start to get messy. Here is the harbinger of need, the fuzzy foot:

Now, as fuzzy feet go, this is not too bad. And I have to say that I am, as groomers go, an amateur. My dogs will never look as good as those dogs going into the conformation ring. For one thing, I cheat and use clippers on their backs. Which is cheating. Real groomers strip the coat on their backs. But I don't have time to strip them. So I cheat.

He is always thrilled about the prospect of having his grooming done. (Actually he doesn't mind at all, and is usually waiting with his front feet up on the table for me to pick him up and put him up there)

After about an hour of attention with comb, brush, scissors, electric clippers, rake, etc., here are some prettier feet.

There are wonderful instructions for doing your own grooming of an English Springer Spaniel at Jan Martin's Ariel ESS site.

1 comment:

Mo said...

My feet are looking hairy also, can you come to NY and groom them? I'll make an egg Mo-muffin for you!