Sunday, August 31, 2008

Away in Painting Land

I have been out of the world for several days. Enough days to prepare and paint 2 full rooms including a set of french doors.

Our dining room and office needed painting. Badly. The dining room was a sickly green colour and had a lovely border of butterflies flitting around at ceiling level.

Here is a before shot of the dining room, but the butterflies have already been ripped from their mooring near the ceiling! The primer has been cut in along the edges.

Up in the office, the before vision was dark red on the upper half, and then wallpaper border around the middle and wallpaper on the bottom. Here's the lovely paint colour.

I must have been hungry when shopping for paint. The colours I chose were "Cantaloupe Slice" for the dining room, and "Pear" for the office. The Pear colour is a neat yellowy-green that looks more green in natural light and more yellow in artificial light.

Here are a couple of the dining room, after the transformation. And may I just say that I never want to paint french doors again in my life.

Here is an after of the office. I am sooooo happy with this colour. The room looks twice as big and the colour reflects the light instead of sucking it all into a joyless void.

This is why I've been offline for a few days. I re-entered the world yesterday. It is still full of people who don't know how to drive.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Long Trip Home

Elliott was all tired out from his weekend of trials. Poor boy.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Long Sault Motel

A great place to stay! They even have FREE wireless internet access.

Even a Bucket Bitch Should Have Ice Cream

Recently we learned that a term used for those at dog shows who do all
the fetching, toting and carrying, and running around like a maniac to
support the poor sap who's going in the ring is - bucket bitch. My
longsuffering better half revels in the term and even has a tshirt
proclaiming his status as such. Here is my BB enjoying his ice cream!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ice Cream - Blech!

Our little Diva does not wish to partake of the common vanilla ice
cream, thank you all the same.

In Summertime, One Must Have Ice Cream!

Here is Elliott enjoying a cup of ice cream to celebrate his latest
title. Miss Sadie didn't like the frosty treat!

Hard Work At The Dog Show

Bling from SD&G

Elliott earned qualifying scores in his Rally trials and for each one got a lovely blue rosette from the ESSCC. The beautiful big green ribbon is from the Parade of Titleholders and has his name and all his titles inscribed on it. Very good bling from our first time at the ESSCC National specialty!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Elliott Earns His RAE Title!

I am very proud to say that Elliott successfully completed his Rally Advanced Excellent title this weekend at the Stormont Dundas & Glengarry dog show in Long Sault. He found competing outdoors very difficult but managed to hold things together enough to qualify in the 4 rounds to get his last 2 RAE legs. To the best of my knowledge he is the first English Springer Spaniel in Canada to earn the RAE and I am very proud of him. This is Elliott's tenth obedience title and his third this year after his CDX and RE. For the rest of the year he will concentrate on practicing his Open skills and this fall we will start training for Utility. I am very proud of Elliott and all the hard work he has done this year!