Sunday, December 28, 2008

Portrait Session

When Sadie or Elliott get a new title, I like to get a picture done so that in future years I can look back to see a time when I didn't have grey hair, and to remind myself what it was like when I was first competing and getting titles. I hope that these will be really nice mementoes to have when these wonderful dogs have passed on and new ones come along to train me.

Today we took a drive over to Bingeman's where the Elora Gorge Kennel Club show (traditionally the last of the year) is usually held, and where our favourite photographers were today. I packed up the freshly groomed dogs, the box o' bling, and got myself somewhat put together. The bonus part of getting pictures taken after the fact is that there is no bleary-eyed, rat-bag-hair effect that usually is present on the third day of a long weekend of showing. As a result, I usually like the way these sorts of pictures turn out, since I don't end up looking like - well, like someone who's been showing dogs for three days and not sleeping or eating properly.

We got some great pictures taken today. First of all, I wanted to mark Sadie earning her Rally Advanced (RA) title. Here is the shot we chose for a print:

Then, we wanted a picture for Elliott's RAE, especially since he is the first English Sp
ringer Spaniel to earn the Rally Advanced Excellent title from the CKC. Here is my handsome boy, draped in bling:

Taking pictures with dogs is always an adventure, and today was no exception, as we also "ended up" with these two pictures, which I think I like almost as much as the portraits.

Elliott's Opinion: Do you think four thousand pictures is not enough, really? Because I do.

Sadie's Opinion: Oh, I am sooooooo done with this, mother!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you springer joy now and for 2009. From our Christmas Eve get-
together with Elliott's cousins - this lineup is: Elliott, Sadie, Tom
and Libby.
It was nice to spend time with our extended family!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name

In a recent interview, Elliott declared: "Cats? No way, man, I hate cats. They're always doing gross things like puking up hairballs and cleaning their toes. I mean, come on, cleaning your toes? Get over yourself. Cats are ok for some, but I don't really like them. I mean, I wouldn't choose to have one in my house."

Yet look what our camera discovered just this morning.