Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Even a Bucket Bitch Should Have Ice Cream

Recently we learned that a term used for those at dog shows who do all
the fetching, toting and carrying, and running around like a maniac to
support the poor sap who's going in the ring is - bucket bitch. My
longsuffering better half revels in the term and even has a tshirt
proclaiming his status as such. Here is my BB enjoying his ice cream!


Mo said...

But, he's a very handsome Bucket-bitch!

Springermom said...

Being a long time BB, I so understand that eyebrow wiggle and or waving hand from the person in the ring that my BB services are needed...there should be a competition for Best in Show BB!

Knatolee said...

And a very devoted BB he is! And the ice cream looks yummy.