Meet Elliott, also known as Society's Lone Gunman, PCD, CD, CDI, CDX, CGN, RNMCL, RN, RA, RE. That's quite the mouthful, but all it really means is that he and I have been enjoying a fun and productive obedience career. Elliott was born in October 2004. He came to live with us in March of 2005, and I started training him immediately. We took many classes and made progress, to the point of obtaining our Pre-Novice (PCD) title in July of 2006. It was late in 2006 when a friend recommended me to a new school, Elite Dog Training. We started training there and Cheryl, the owner, spent a great deal of time helping me get Elliott ready for more work in the obedience ring. Elliott and I have become a great team since then and have had a lot of success in the ring. In 2007 Elliott earned 6 obedience titles, and so far in 2008 he earned his Rally Excellent title in one weekend and his CDX in 4 trials over his first 2 weekends in Open. He is the first English Springer Spaniel in Canada to earn the RE title. What a great boy he is. All those brains and handsome too. The picture above marks his CDX and RE titles. The picture below shows how tough life is at home.

He's very deprived...look at that sad face! LOL
You and Elliottttt are just awesome, congrats on the RE title (among others). But seriously, don't you think he needs more toys?
I think he needs more toys!
And he has more letters after his name than Caber does. ;))
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