Sadie is a Diva. Divas have attitude. Sadie has attitude. This affects my success with her so far in the obedience ring. Cheryl, my training mentor, recently suggested some strategies to help me bond more closely with Sadie, to have her view me more strongly as a leader; in short, to try to DE-Divafy the DIVA. One of Cheryl's suggestions is to hand-feed the Diva. I have been doing this for about a week now. Apparently it will help her view me as the Boss with the food who is worth listening to in a general way, not just when she feels like it. In the mornings particularly, the dogs are fed a variety of things that end up resembling soup (or gruel) in the bowl. This gets messy when hand-feeding. The first morning Sadie ended up with green veggie glop all down her chest as the food dribbled out through her flews. So I tried using her snood (this is the pink boa visible below which is attached to the rest of her snood) in combination with some paper towels clipped around her neck. The paper towels didn't stand up so that's when the tea towel entered the scene. Behold the dreadful result. Fortunately, because she is a Diva, she thinks that all this effort befits her status.
After about an hour of attention with comb, brush, scissors, electric clippers, rake, etc., here are some prettier feet.